Future-Focused Educators’ Summit, a Virtual AESD Opportunity

 Browse below for details about the 2021 Summit.

Thank you!

Thanks to our partners, speakers and over 900 participants who made the Future-Focused Educators’ Summit a huge SUCCESS! Materials are on their way!

Clock Hours

We are currently processing Summit clock hours – please be aware that verification of clock hours is a human-controlled process, not automated; therefore, it takes time and cannot be completed instantly.

Once processed, you will receive an email from PDEnroller letting you know your clock hours have been verified. You can then log in and complete the process on PDEnroller.org. If you are doing additional clock hours via recordings, please wait to complete this process until you have submitted your form and received another email.

Total clock hours claimed may not exceed 15 (for the Educator pathway) or 27 (for the Leadership pathway).

Clock Hours FAQ

How are clock hours verified?
Clock hours are verified by your attendance at the Hopin event and recorded in PDEnroller.

What sessions are clock hours available?
Clock hours are awarded for watching live sessions, live keynotes, or recordings of sessions or keynotes.  Clock hours are NOT awarded for: networking activities, asynchronous “contests” (karaoke, talent, remote teaching story, meme challenge, upcycle, or cutest pet) or yoga, cooking, and gardening videos.

Did I have to do anything during the Summit to claim my clock hours?
There was nothing for you to do during the summit to claim clock hours; just enjoy the sessions and keynotes!

On-Demand Summit Recordings

If you wish to earn additional clock hours, you may do so by viewing the recordings of sessions you missed during the live event (up to a total of 15 hours for the educator pathway and 27 for the leadership pathway).  Recorded sessions available will include STEM qualified sessions.

Access to recordings and a form to attest to which additional sessions you viewed will be emailed to attendees soon. You will have about a month to view additional sessions and complete the attestation form.

My experience during the Summit was beyond magical. I was able to learn many creative ways with which how to improve the overall student experience as well as improve morale within my workplace with colleagues.

- Summit Participant

I appreciate all the work that went into the event. I am thankful that out of the pandemic, we have the ability to meet virtually to increase our knowledge and ability to continue to be creative, student-centered educators. Thank you all for this experience; I look forward to attending next year as well!

- Summit Participant